Free online webinars with different focus topics and an opportunity for expert exchanges in a live chat.
Make cleaning processes energy-efficient and economical. We give you important impulses.
Missed the date? No problem. You can request a recording free of charge.
You will receive important tips for thorough and efficient cleaning of bogies, wheelsets, wheel bearings and engines.
In this webinar, you will gain knowledge about important requirements for a good cleanliness result of your component and get advice for planning an efficient cleaning process.
Long running times and high mileage of trains on the rails leave their mark and can often also cause damage to wheel bearings. In order to be able to carry out accurate inspections …
Do you want to retrofit an existing cleaning system or are you planning a new system? We can identify important measures for your cleaning process.
We are holding a webinar in Russian especially for our market in Russia. We cover the basics of cleaning technology and show specific practical examples.
General overview of cleaning systems for different railway components in maintenance and manufacturing of new parts.
Do you prefer to visit us at one of our trade fair stands and have a personal exchange with us?
You can find us at a number of trade fairs and events in Germany and internationally. We would be happy to send you ticket vouchers.
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